We are really excited to finally have our Susan gown ready for introduction! This is the first gown that is not in memory of a loved one, but in honor of someone very special to us. We always wanted to find a great animal print for a fun and chic gown, but couldn't find the perfect fabric. When we laid eyes on THE fabric for the Susan gown, we quickly had a sample made and we LOVED it...The fabric was so soft and we thought, ok... let's do it! We were saddened and surprised to find out that the manufacturer of the fabric does one run of their prints only, so it would not be available to us. We called them back and said there HAS to be a way... it was just too perfect.. believe me, we had looked at so much fabric that we just couldn't accept this. Well, we found out that there was one way to "bring it back", and that was to special re-order the fabric to be made for us alone... and (of course) costing us more $ per yard. We felt so strongly that "The Susan" had to become a reality, that we took deep breaths and said....YES! The Susan is our limited edition gown that is "exclusive" to Annie & Isabel. We waited for our fabric to be made for over 2 months.. so, we were really excited when we received the phone call that it was here! We had it shipped to our amazing manufacturer in San Francisco and they were off! We were really lucky to give people a first look at The Susan at our Appel & Frank event last Sunday and the reaction was really positive!

Setting up for the Babes & Babies event with The Susan
It was fun to do the Babes & Babies show in San Fracisco, where I spent 13 years of my life and still work. I was sad to be missing my A&I other half, my sister at this event:( She was cheering on her boys at their swim championships and they did great! So, I called on my SF girls and husband to come out and help. Our friend Katie, who is perfect for The Susan, threw it on and walked around showing off it fabulousness and all the wonderful features of our gown. My other friend Stephanie was a perfect promoter for our gowns, as she has experienced labor in generic hospital gowns with her first baby and in Annie & Isabel gowns, 3 months ago, with her son. You can read her wonderful testimonial here:) It was awesome hearing someone else talk about all the reasons we believe so strongly in our product.. and people were listening! Thanks girls!!!!

My friends and models:)
The Appel & Frank event was a blast! It was the first show for Annie & Isabel and honestly, it felt strange, exciting, and finally real! I can't believe how far we have come in the past year. It was great talking to all the moms-2-be and explaining all the specially thought out features of our gowns. We had a wonderful response and sold several gowns! I loved talking to the moms who have already had their babies and reminding them that our gowns are not only for maternity patients. We actually sold 2 gowns to people gifting them to women battling difficult diagnosis.
We were delighted to meet Cathy, who is due with her first child on Labor Day! We had corresponded via email and when we realized she was local, suggested she attend the event. She was such a delight and brightened up the whole room with her smile and laugh. I showed her all the gowns and when I explained that our Elizabeth was in honor of our grandmother who died of breast cancer, her decision was made. She bought the Elizabeth gown, with it's little pink ribbons and beautiful Karen Neuburger fabric, in honor of her mother... a 3 time breast cancer survivor! It brings tears to my eyes when I think about how Cathy will also be honoring her mother on the day that she becomes a mother herself. I know that she is just so grateful to be able to have her mother with her on this day that she brings her own daughter into this world. We can't wait to hear all about it and definitely want a pic of these 3 generations of women! Thank you Cathy for being as enthusiastic about Annie & Isabel as we are.

Cathy In Her Elizabeth Gown Honoring Her Mother
A really fun part about participating in an event like this was seeing all the other products created by local designers. I was really busy talking to people at our booth, but at the end of the event I had a chance to browse the rows of fellow vendors. I laughed when I found myself at the Glop & Glam hair product booth for kids. Yes, I have boys... but, they are MOST famous for their hair. I bought "Hair Glop Watermelon Hard Candy Gel" that promises to control frizz... well, if anyone has see my son Henry... we NEEDED this! What do you think??? The great thing about these products is they are sulfate free.

Before & After
We met a really nice guy, from Chicago, who started this great company called BellyMan with his wife. My husband and I are convinced that everyone we meet from Chicago is always SO nice. We went to Chicago to see the Giants vs Cubs years ago and were floored by all of the people who went out of their way to help us enjoy their beautiful city. This is a great company and I love the concept! They have made a line of vintage-inspired, "uber-soft T's for dads-to-be". They simply have the month that their baby is due on the shirt and look cool too! Check out their site, because I think this would be the cutest way to tell your hubby that you are having a baby! My husband and I would always joke about the which "birth shirt" he should wear to each of the deliveries of our boys... this would make a perfect daddy birth shirt! Hopefully someday Annie & Isabel designer hospital gowns and BellyMan can work together. We would have mom AND dad covered!

How great is this? They retail @ $38.00
We are really excited to give you the "Story Behind The Gown" of our new Susan gown. We will be introducing it soon, but if you are interested in purchasing the gown, it is available in our shop.
The Susan gown is amazing and special...like its namesake and I love Henry's hair gel. It definitely tames his curls! Does he like the watermelon flavor? I think those daddy shirts are pretty cool too! Great post!
ReplyDeleteThank you for delivering my Annie & Isabel gowns last night. I can't wait to gift them to the mommies to be! I know they are going to love them.
Happy Monday,