Wednesday, October 19, 2011

::Wednesday Warrior:: Brandie's Story

We are happy to introduce you to this weeks Annie & Isabel "Wednesday Warrior", Brandie. We have been following Brandie's blog and battle with breast cancer for the past 6 months and find her to be such an inspiration! She is currently rockin' her "Annie" Annie & Isabel hospital gown for radiation treatments. We'd love if you read Brandie's story below then leave a comment or visit her blog to cheer her on! She has been feeling exhausted this week from radiation and we hope our Annie & Isabel love will bring her a smile today! 

"Just about 6 months ago, my world was turned upside down when I learned I had breast cancer... Hearing the news was just so shocking. I imagine it's always shocking to get that sort of news, but the thing is... I had no idea I might even have cancer. You see, my mom had breast cancer when she was 30. So my doctor sent me to get my baseline mammogram solely based on my mom's history. The doctor even told me she didn't see anything going on, so don't worry. It was just going to be a baseline. When the mammogram showed that something was going on and I found myself having to get a biopsy, none of it seemed to make sense. 

I am 31 years old. I have 3 kids to raise. Breast cancer had no place in my life. And yet, there I was, trying to process some of the hardest news I've had in my life. The doctor appointments felt never ending. Decisions has to be made. Treatment plans mapped out. Babysitters to be found and a huge fight that needed to be fought. 

3 weeks after diagnosis, I was at the hospital having a double mastectomy. My hospital stay?... It was the longest I'd been away from my two youngest kids, and only one other time was I away from my oldest for that long. It was so hard. 

A month later... chemotherapy started. 16 weeks of chemotherapy - 4 different medicines being pumped into my body. 

Now it's time for me to start radiation. It has gotten off to a rocky start... there were some issues with being able to get the radiation to where I needed it to be. Thankfully, those issues are resolved so now I can get back to kicking cancer's butt. 

Brandie {far left} with her parents and sisters
I won't lie. It is hard. This road is full of many bumps, some bigger than others. The love and support from my family and friends have helped me get through it all. The other thing that has helped me get through this is blogging. I love having that outlet. I've been honest- maybe too honest some days - on my blog about everything going on. It's been such an important part of the acceptance process and the healing process. For me being able to share, has taken away the power of cancer and put it back into my hands. So much right now is out of my control. The feeling like I'm getting some of it back...? Well, that's amazing!!"

Brandie in her Annie hospital gown ready to take on style!


  1. What a touching story. She's just a smidge older than I am. It always takes my breath away when someone so young is diagnosed. Thanks for featuring her. I'm off to check out her blog.

    stopping by from SITS

  2. What a fierce woman! I am so glad she is fighting back. Wonderful feature. Off to check out her blog now. :) I love the blogosphere.
