Saturday, August 18, 2012

NEW TESTIMONIAL :: Mom in Norway LOVED her Annie & Isabel Designer Hospital Gown!

We received this beautiful testimonial all the way from Norway! Thank you to new mama Kristin, who shared these adorable pictures from her daughter's birth and her experience in our Annie & Isabel Anita designer hospital gown! 

 "After giving birth to my beautiful princess Signe, I took a shower and put on my very special Annie & Isabel Anita gown from the US. I walked down the hall feeling fresh and beautiful only hours after giving birth. I used my gown as a night gown, which came in very hand when breastfeeding during the night. I got a lot of compiliments from the Norwegian nurses and all the other new mothers. They had never seen a gown like mine! Thank you so much!"

Kristin, Norway

Isn't she lovely?!!!! Congratulations Kristin and THANK YOU for sharing these precious first moments of Signe's life with us and our readers.

Did you wear and Annie & Isabel gown and want to share your testimonial with us? Please email us at or visit our website here

Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Husband's Take on Wearing Annie & Isabel!!

We always think it is so adorable when a daddy-to-be buys his wife one or two of our designer hospital gowns for the birth of their child. Husbands can feel helpless in the delivery room and by giving the gift of comfort, dignity, and style for the big event…he will definitely be the talk of the labor and delivery ward! This testimonial is from a dear friend Tracy, who we met years ago as we were starting our business. She sent us this funny quote from her husband about his take on her experience wearing our Anita designer hospital gown for the birth of their second son Micah, 

"WOW! Of all the things nurses and your visitors would say to you while you are here at the hospital… every single one of them have commented on your hospital gown and how cute it is!"

Thank you Tracy for sharing these gorgeous photos with all of us. We are so happy you will get to experience the magic of brothers. It is something really special! 

Micah James
May 29th, 2012 at 8:22 pm
7 pounds 4 oz ~ 19.5 in